Hindi mein padhiye
Hi. Please read these points to know if a job is genuine or fake:
1. Apply to jobs from the job section of the app only because our team verifies all these jobs manually.
2. If money is not mentioned in any of the jobs, please don’t pay anybody even if they ask for it.
3. Pay money only if it is mentioned along with the reason. For eg, some delivery jobs charge money for uniform.
4. Do not apply to jobs that other users post in Feed or send you via message; our team does not verify those jobs so be very careful.
5. If at any moment you have any doubt, please email us at Support@apna.co
6. If you ever come across a fake job or a job asking for money even though it’s not mentioned, report that job/HR immediately.
Pro Tip: Keep every evidence that you can (Eg: call recordings, chat screenshots, etc).
To know how to lodge a report, please click on How to report a job? and read that.
Related Queries:
How to apply for a job?
How to check which jobs I have applied to?
How to change location and search jobs in other cities?
How to report a job?
For more details, please watch this video: