How much salary will I get?


Hindi mein padhiye

Hi. The salary you will get depends on the following things:

1. The kind of job you’re applying to. For eg, delivery jobs pay in a range of 10k to 25k and some jobs also have the option to earn extra commission.

2. How much experience do you have? Eg, a person with 3 years of experience might get more salary than someone with 6 months of experience.

3. The type and number of skills you have. For eg, someone who has more skills that are more in demand might get paid more than someone who has a lesser number of skills

To set the salary range in the app please follow these steps:

Step 1: Make sure you are on the job page by clicking on the Jobs icon

Step 2: Click on the Filters option from the job page

Step 3: Select the preferred salary range from the Salary tab

Step 4: Click on the Apply button below to save the changes

Good Luck!

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